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Historical And Political Tensions

Kosovo Conflict Tensions Flare in Serbia-Albania Soccer Match

Historical and Political Tensions

Relations between Albania and Serbia have been marked by historical and political events, leading to often unfriendly interactions. The conflict in Kosovo, where Serbian forces withdrew but remains a source of tension for many Kosovo Albanians and Serbs, plays a significant role in these complexities.

UEFA Euro 2016 Qualifying Match

On October 14, 2014, the UEFA Euro 2016 qualifying match between Serbia and Albania took place at the Partizan Stadium in Belgrade. The game was marred by political undertones and tensions that had simmered for years.

Match Outcome and Tensions

The match ended with Serbia securing a 2-0 victory over Albania. However, the aftermath was marked by a tense atmosphere due to a drone carrying an Albanian flag with the inscription "Independent Kosovo" hovering over the stadium. This incident reignited historical animosities and sparked disturbances both during and after the game.

Increased Security Measures

In the subsequent match between the two teams, heavy security measures and other precautions were implemented to prevent a recurrence of the previous incident. As a result, the second game was largely incident-free.
